FTI Delta CSR Year in Review 2021
As the holidays are quickly approaching and 2021 coming to an end, from FTI Delta (former Delta Partners) we wanted to recap our efforts towards Corporate Social Responsibility.
FTI Delta offers several resource groups (e.g., Women in Delta, Delta Wings) for employees to explore their interests and contribute to a stronger company culture. Today, the spotlight turns to Delta Cares (our very own CSR group).
About Delta Cares
Delta Cares aims to be the platform for our people to get together and contribute to the betterment of our planet and we do so by tackling important global problems that are closest to our employees. At the beginning of the year, we launched a survey to determine the strongest topics of interest/concern and developed a year-long agenda based on the results. Our focus themes for 2021 were environment and education.
Delta Cares operates as a very lean sub-organism of FTI Delta, built and sustained voluntarily by our employees. We follow a very global structure – having the main team sitting in Dubai (defining the strategy, budget, etc.) and leveraging local office teams to push forward their own initiatives by understanding better the local teams’ interests and opportunities. Delta Cares truly provides a sense of community between its members and allies, as well as gives the chance to fulfill your entrepreneurship instinct when in charge of your office’s activities and partnerships!
Additionally, this year we were able to combine forces with the Corporate Citizenship program at FTI Consulting. It has been great learning for us at FTI Delta to join a bigger team and have access to their network and great initiatives!
Office Activities
We wanted to publicly congratulate our employees’ outstanding commitment to CSR this year by showcasing some great initiatives that happened all across the globe.
Dubai Office
Kayaking and Mangrove planting: We kicked off this year at the Dubai office with the first in-person event (following all measures set out by the local authorities). With the support of Companies for Good, our team spent a whole morning learning about the ecosystem surrounding the salty waters of the UAE. We learned about mangroves and their beneficial impact on our environment by kayaking through the beautiful landscape and finished the event by planting our own mangroves!

Beach clean-up: Following the Environment theme, we recently visited a marine conservation center to learn about littering and waste. Our team got their hands dirty and managed to collect over 260kg of garbage!

Johannesburg Office
The blanket run: With the support of FTI South Africa, our team collected sufficient funds to donate 21 blankets to a shelter that takes care of deserted children – it was a very humbling and rewarding experience, thank you all!

Singapore Office
Laptop donations: As the COVID situation escalated in Singapore, measures such as home-based learning and work-from-home shed light on the difficulties some families who may not have any laptops at home are facing. With the spare laptops that FTI Delta Singapore had in our inventory, we were able to gift them to others who needed them more.

New York/San Francisco Office
Mentoring sessions: Earlier this year, the New York office organized mentoring and tutoring sessions for underprivileged kids. The tutoring was a very well-received initiative, so much so that many of our consultants in the US kept the sessions going and are still engaging with the kids today.
Barcelona Office
Fundraising Padel tournament against ALS: With the support of FTI Spain, we kicked off a very successful Padel tournament to raise funds for the research of ALS. Not only was the event fun, but it was also a great way to educate ourselves about this disease and even hear some personal stories from our employees.

Sponsor a letter: The Spanish office has engaged with Fundacio Ires for one last volunteering activity before year-end. Each volunteer delivers a present for a child in need so that on Christmas Eve they will be filled with joy and Christmas spirit.
On top of the local activities organized by the team, we were also able to participate in global activities with FTI Consulting like the Earth Day Challenge (a fun competition giving a second life to used products/goods), coaching sessions to students through Talent Tap or the STEPtember challenge promoting physical activity and donations to cerebral palsy research.
From Delta Cares we wanted to extend our gratitude to everyone who has taken part in organizing and/or participating in these incredible events. We are proud to say that it has been a great year for CSR and can’t wait to keep making our little impact in the next year!!
CSR team